I love yoga

I know I love yoga. I know I love yoga because I think about it almost every day. I may not be on my mat and I might not have stepped onto a mat in some time. But it’s still there, in my thoughts. Admittedly I forget some days and have negative and maybe mean […]

Goodbye January, you didn’t get me.

January is a sh*tty crappy month (pardon my language).

I think problems seem more intense in January. The bleakness of the days, the longevity of darkness, the rain – especially in the UK!

This added with the fact that Christmas feels a million miles away can leave us feeling somewhat dreary ourselves.

I’m not sure how it feels for you and I’m not usually one for seasonal disorders but this January has felt particularly long and dark.

I’m coming back!

I’ve recently been re-reading my blog posts. Well actually it started with me writing in a journal and then re-reading my posts. I felt an overwhelming urge to write something again, despite it being almost exactly 6 months since my last post! The age old issue that prevented me from writing back last year is […]