Less Vs More

What habits would you like to do less and which would you like to focus more of?

I came across the following post from Absolute Health on their Facebook page, which really made me think and smile.

So many people get stuck in old habits that they no longer realise they could be introducing a new habit that would have a more positive effect on their lives.

It doesn’t have to be a big input. As the list below shows, it could be as simple as smiling and laughing more.

Which we should definitely all be doing more of!

Hope you find the post as thought provoking as I did.

And thank you to Absolute Health trainer Luke for letting me share.

‘So this morning I have been thinking more or less about how less is more.

Or more accurately how less can equal more!

The list below, shows some great thought and behavioural changes that simply by focusing on building a new habit will often help reduce the frequency of an old habit.

Where as if you only focused on reducing an old habit, with nothing to replace it with or swap for your chances of reducing that habit/ behaviour dramatically reduce.

What would your list look like on each side of Less equals More?

What thoughts, behaviours, actions and habits that you have do you want less or more of in your life?’


One thought on “Less Vs More

  1. Love it. Health and fitness can come in easy steps. Not just going crazy and paying tons of money to join gyms and get fancy gear. I love your emphasis on how easy it can be to take simple steps.

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