Cake. Yum.

What is it with Cake?!!

It seems to make a surprise reference in many of my posts. A little bit like Chocolate. But the thing with cake is, I actually can’t say no.


Never ever.

Never ever ever.

Never ever ever ever.

This could go on…..

No matter how good I am trying to be. No matter how much I know the HUGE amount of sugar contained within, is bad for me. No matter how many times I say ‘I want to lose weight’.

I can’ resist.

If there is one thing I’m good at, it’s eating cake. Maybe not cake eating competition standard good, but still, I like cake.



But it plays havoc with my yoga and climbing. Especially when the climbing gym has amazing cakes on sale (Jewel Bar is my favourite).

Half Time = Chai Latte + Cake. Without fail.

I have the perfect excuse, it gives me energy for more climbing. Despite the fact I probably go back and climb only a few more routes!

But it does give me energy……..right??

Oh well that’s settled then.


I’m coming to get you!!! I need the energy to sit on my sofa today.

By the way, the cake in the picture was called Sparkle Angel Cake and no I didn’t eat it all to myself…. not quite.

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